“Connecting With Angels” A Mystic’s Journal February 26-29

Journal entries about clairvoyance, meditation, spirituality, and mystical experiences

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“Connecting With Angels” A Mystic’s Journal February 26-29

Post by figaro »

A Mystic’s Journal: Entries February 26-29, 2005

Saturday, February 26

An e-mail from someone I have never met, in Australia. A friend of hers had taught her a technique for “connecting” with her angels and she wrote: “I am new to all of this and part of me is fearful that I am not supposed to do this and that I might be attracting something I don’t wish to attract.”

I wrote her back immediately and thanked her for writing. Then I told her to stop trying to “connect” with her angels. I wrote: “Do not image anything when you ask for angels. Your fears are good - listen to them. The method you briefly describe can invite everything and anything. Our Lady, in Medjugorje, told the visionaries that we should ask the archangels to be with us always. This means that we should ask for them each day. It is a simple prayer. It is not a method, there is no imaging, no “connecting”. If God wanted everyone to be clairvoyant, He would have made everyone clairvoyant. It is through meditating & praying, through Faith & asking, that we become closer to God & His Divine beings. There are no shortcuts! As a clairvoyant, I can tell you with surety that every time we call on a Divine Being - they come. If they do not come, they hear our prayer & will answer it in ways that are good for our souls and for the souls of others. If you are not clairvoyant or clairaudient, then you must rely on the virtue of Faith. Do not push the boundries! Your friend’s method more than verges on the occult.”

By this, I meant that the method she described could summon any sort of being, including bad angels, evil beings pretending to be coming from God.

All humans are assigned at least one angel. In addition, through prayer and through Grace - we can be given more angels. We simply ask for them. Many saints saw and communicated with their angel. Saint Padre Pio asked for and sent angels to people, for protection, for guidance, as a matter of course. We can also be given extra angels, by God, if we have a special need or mission.

There should be no visualizations, no special technique or practice for this. If you are not clairvoyant, then you must simply trust that they are with you if you ask for them. Asking for angels should be a simple prayer, a request. Not a visualization technique, or any other technique. If we wish to feel their presence, the only safe “technique” is prayer and meditation.

In my experience, when we call on an angel or a saint - they always come, and they arrive immediately. They will also go where you send them.

A young woman once wrote to me, through the Distant Healing Network. She was having various problems in her life and had written the DHN for healing and was assigned to me. I told her that I would send her angels. She wrote back: “The angel you sent appeared before me. And he told me his NAME!” I won’t repeat his name here, but it was in a foreign language, a combination of letters not known to me. I might add that this woman was not ordinarily clairvoyant. The experience might have been given to her to strengthen her faith, or to strengthen mine. Or so that I could write this in my Journal years later, and strengthen yours.

What had I done? I had inwardly said a short prayer and then asked that angels help this woman. And then I said thank you, and went about my day.

The good news about the times we live in is that more people are interested in the spiritual life. The bad news is that instead of the prayer and meditation of the saints, more people are trying to find short cuts, other ways to get there.

Tuesday, February 29

Last Wednesday night, in class, we had a short discussion again on the ego. In Philosophy, ego means all our thoughts and perceptions, including the erroneous thought that we are the body. The Desert Father we were reading wrote that we should clear our mind & conscience before meditating, & we were discussing these ideas. Clairvoyantly, I could see that there was resistence when the word “conscience” came up. The majority of my meditators’ light became muddy, & I guessed that they were thinking about all their deficiencies. I said: “If the ego can’t make you more egotisical, more proud or selfish, then it will try to get you through the back door. It will tell you that you are a bad person. It’s still the ego.” Ears picked up at those words and clear Light began to surround all the meditators.

We all agreed that feeling guilty prevented us from being with God - it set up a barrier, a wall between us and the soul and God. True, we must look at our faults & resolve to do better. We should also apologize to those we have injured & ask for forgiveness from God. For penance, we can say prayers & do good works in atonement - & then we should assume that we have been forgiven. Catholics are fortunate, in that we have the sacrament of Confession. But we all can ask for forgiveness directly from God, no matter what our religion or spiritual path.

I then told them about the “as if” exercise: to imagine that we are already a saint, fully enlightened. How would this feel? How would we act, what would we say? The clear Light around the meditators increased and they began to look more alive, more peaceful. We should do this “as if” practice throughout the day, every day. These exercises can be very powerful. In my mind, when we read the New Testament, when we read about the life of Christ - we are, in a sense, doing this exercise. For those minutes of reading, we are walking with Him, thinking His thoughts, doing His actions. He is allowing us to stand with Him. It is a form of meditation, and we can have Glimpses into true Life, for Our Lord never forgets the Father, He is never fooled by the world. We talked about this briefly as well.

Then I asked them to clear their minds of all thoughts, just for a minute or so. They all succeeded in this, although a few people said they felt thoughts were still lurking. Some looked surprised when I said that I had very few thoughts during the day. I said that I had to put ideas into my mind. Others in class agreed that it was the same for them. One is not better than the other - they are merely different. The idea of meditation is not just to get rid of thoughts. That can be very dangerous, to just sit without thoughts. That is why, in meditation, we are given a short prayer or mantra to say. The idea is to know that we are not the thoughts, that we are the soul, even as thoughts arise, even as we say our short prayer or mantra. In the high mystical experiences, thoughts are taken from us, we do not have to worry about that. It will happen automatically.
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