I Meet Our Lady in the Kitchen: A Mystic’s Journal Entries August 25 - 26, 2006
Friday, August 25
12:10 a.m.
Earlier tonight I went into the kitchen for something and began to say Ave Maria’s and asked for healing. The breathing problems had improved somewhat with all the medications, but still not enough that I could comfortably breathe or go outside. The faintness persisted, probably due to the lack of air, and I felt like a walking pharmacy ... -, sprays, inhalers ... scattered through the days and nights ...
So I began to say some Ave Marias, as I played a bit with little Oleg Alexander. He had a new toy box, a carton that had come in the mail, with all his toys arranged around and in it.
Suddenly, radiant Light shot through me, from above and drew my body up straight, into a meditation or minor ecstacy. I continued to pray, and as I fell into this state I could still see the world around me. I saw Our Lady’s Presence to my right, standing there - and She was speaking to me. Soon I was fully immersed in the radiant Light, and for the first time Our Lady walked into me from above. In the past, She has either hovered in my mind above me or in the spiritual Heart. But this time She stood within me, as often Our Lord has done - I could even see Her crown in my head, as though our “bodies” were perfectly lined up in size and in positioning ...
I was transformed into Her Light, for twenty or so minutes. In this state, the conventional world disappeared, and it was as though I had gone to another realm to meet Her - or She had brought Her realm to me. It is an experience difficult to describe, the emptiness of the world disappearing, to stand only in that rarified air in Wonder and marvel at the Beauty of it. Really, the physical world is so thick after these experiences. It is like trying to walk through mud after floating in a crystal clear mountain stream ...
The task is to find how to float in that mountain stream when not in those experiences ... To see through this material reality either clairvoyantly or philosophically. Even being clairvoyant - I can still get “trapped” here, even as I see through this physical reality. That is the power of the Divine Impression of this physical world on the human brain and perception!
Saturday, August 26
M. returned home not long after this experience with Our Lady ended last night. I had spent the day finishing up editing and writing an end chapter of the Interview section of Visits With Angels and Other Divine Beings and had printed it all up for M. to read, in its own little notebook. I thought the weekend would be a good time for M. to look it over, perhaps at Windgarth House, at the lake, on Sunday. Instead, she read it after dinner and left it for me in the living room before she went upstairs for the night.
When I finally came down from other work on the computer, I saw the notebook and began to read M’s comments. It was now well after midnight, and I was exhausted, but I felt compelled to see what she had written. And good suggestions they were, including writing a final chapter for that section of the book, the Interviews. As I went through her corrections, I was again filled with Light and with the little energy I had I took some paper and a pencil and began to write. I then realized that this was Our Lady’s appearance in the kitchen earlier in the evening, that She was helping me to finish the book, the final words.
As I was writing a smaller Being of Light came and sat beside me, on the couch. My feeling was that it was the Infant Jesus. This smaller Being came close to me and again I was so filled with radiant Light the conventional world fully disappeared. The smaller Being of Light then walked into me, and I was now being Healed. The Healing continued for what seemed like a half hour or more, although time is very difficult to judge during these experiences. This smaller Being was also Healing my head injuries, left over from my car accident so many years ago.
Through this second experience, I was told that what I did not yet understand would become clear later.
This morning, when I woke up: for the first time since my accident, my eyes were deep blue again, instead of grey. And I can breathe, almost normally. At one point during the experience last night I heard myself ask that my head injuries be healed, even if that meant the healing for the breathing took longer ... It now seems to me that all this recent suffering and now the amazing Healing I have been given - are all connected to these two books. That the Healing would come as I wrote the last words ... The Angels volume is my favorite and closest to my Heart; it is dedicated to Our Lady and the Holy Angels...
I also think it very likely that the small Being of Light was the Infant Jesus of Prague - because I have been praying to Him for healing, every day now for many months ...
I Meet Our Lady in the Kitchen: August 25 - 26, 2006
Moderator: figaro