Life After Death:Work continues on the Book Realms of Light

Journal entries about clairvoyance, meditation, spirituality, and mystical experiences

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Life After Death:Work continues on the Book Realms of Light

Post by figaro »

Work continues on the Book Realms of Light : A Mystic’s Journal Entry: June 22, 2007


If you wish to read the first chapter of Realms of Light you can go to Diana Sousa’s The Designer’s Journal, Click on “Coal Mine” and then Designer’s Journal. As you read the Designer’s Journal, at the end of the first paragraph, you will see “HERE” in blue. Click on it and the chapter will come up on Adobe. On my computer the pages takes a long time to load, and I minimize Adobe until it’s done. This is the only chapter of Realms of Light we will post online.

Friday, June 22

Diana sent me more sections of the first chapter of Realms of Light today. She wanted me to try to eliminate floating sentences and one widow. Floating sentences are one line paragraphs; if possible, she wants me to join them to other paragraphs in order to save printing space. An example of a widow is the word “I” left alone at the beginning of the last line of a paragraph. I managed to save the widow and get rid of most of the floaters. I am also proofing the pages as she sends them.

There are now flurries of e-mails every day between us, and I am enjoying the process immensely. The hard job was working with the editor earlier; proofing the manuscript when it comes back from the publisher will be a lonely task. So this stretch of working with Diana feels like a fairly carefree and joyful vacation.

Although I prefer Visits With Angels, M. said Realms of Light is the more important book because it will comfort and help people who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. I think Realms of Light will also help those who are facing the end of their own lives on earth, and hopefully better prepare them for the Journey.
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