Journal Entries: January 2-5, 2007

Journal entries by composer and pianist Laurie Conrad

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Journal Entries: January 2-5, 2007

Post by figaro »

A Composer’s Journal Entries: January 2-5, 2007

Tuesday, January 2

Dusted off some scores and the piano today (literally). I have not even looked at a sheet of manuscript paper nor touched the piano since July 8th, when I almost died at Windgarth. It took me a half hour to find the Piano Quintet score, it was in a stack of papers and notebooks in the living room, near the coal stove. Found Movement II. of the piece for choir and orchestra on the music rack and a note scrawled in pencil taped to the first page: metronome markings/finish harp part. Spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening at doctors’ appointments. Hopefully tomorrow I will add metronome markings and complete the harp part. I was also disappointed to see that I had only written out the version for choir and strings, for Spear’s group. A few weeks ago Spear e-mailed to tell me that his string group no longer existed, it has disbanded. I can’t think about that now, first I will finish writing the piece - then I’ll think.

In any case, this means I must also orchestrate the score for full orchestra when I have completed Movement III, a Movement I have not even yet begun.

What a difficult stretch this has been, and one spanning so many months ... Now that I am feeling a bit better, it is time to contact the musicians and arrange to record the String Quintet. All this had to be postponed because of my physical state. Hopefully we can record before spring.

Thursday, January 4

Had an NAET acupuncture session for my allergies. Afterwards, I went to the park across. It was almost sixty degrees outside, sunny. I found a woman on a park bench, with a little girl. Inwardly blessed a few dogs, taught them to pray, & inwardly baptized the small child; sent every one I saw Our Lady’s Greeting and Blessing from Medugorje. The woman began to talking to me; she is a photographer & after some conversation bought a Visions CD. I had a few with me; I was on my way to The Bookery II, to drop some off to sell. A yellow jacket came by, flying around the bench we were sitting on, probably interested in the many crumbs made by the small child and her late sandwich. I left as quickly as I could, and I must admit that in my haste I forgot to send the yellow jacket Mary’s Blessing or inwardly communicate. However, as I was walking to The Bookery II, I reflected a bit & realized that the image left in my mind of the small visitor was not a frightening one. He/she was flying more slowly than usual, one could almost say more peacefully. I felt an apology of sorts, or an effort at good behavior - a politeness.

Still, accidents can happen & for the present I will keep my distance.

Dropped the CDs off, bought a copy of the back door key with the money from the Visions CD & an ice cream pop. Began thinking about my mother, & she quickly appeared at my side; she was shorter than I, dressed in a white spring dress & mainly Light. She took my arm & walked with me to the corner.

I have loved so deeply in this earthly life.

Friday, January 5

E-mailed Carrie about recording the String Quintet. No response as yet. Have not had time to work on the Piano Quintet score, nor the second movement of the piece for choir and orchestra.

Myra called, she will be in town for several weeks. I must also revise Images and begin rehearsals. My life has been at a standstill for so long, I find it almost impossible to get it started again, even inwardly ...
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