'Kindness, Clarity and Insight' - the Dalai Lama

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'Kindness, Clarity and Insight' - the Dalai Lama

Post by figaro »


Some of my meditation students asked me to sum up various Buddhist doctrines, so here they are, as stated by the Dalai Lama of Tibet in his book "Kindness, Clarity and Insight":

The 3 Jewels

1. Buddha
2. Dharma (Doctrine/ Teachings)
3. Sangha (Spiritual community)

The 6 Perfections:

1. giving
2. ethics
3. patience
4. effort
5. concentration
6. wisdom

The 3 Categories for Others:

1. friend
2. enemy
3. neutral

The 3 Attitudes towards Others:

1. desire
2. hatred
3. neglecting indifference

"When these three attitudes are generated, it is impossible to generate an altruistic attitude." p.34

The 2 Sources of Suffering

1. karmic sources
2. the afflictive emotions

The 3 kinds of actions:

1. virtuous
2. non-virtuous
3. neutral

The 3 main afflictive emotions:

1. obscuration
2. desire
3. hatred

The 2 Truths

1. conventional reality
2. Ultimate Reality

The 4 Noble Truths

1. true sufferings
2. sources
3. cessations
4. paths

The 10 Non-Virtues:

1. killing
2. stealing
3. - misconduct
4. lying
5. divisive talk
6. harsh speech
7. senseless chatter
8. covetousness
9. harmful intent
10. wrong views

The 6 Perfections

1. giving
2. ethics
3. patience
4. effort
5. concentration
6. wisdom

The sevenfold quintessential instructions of cause and effect,
to help us develop an altruistic attitude:

1. recognizing all sentient beings as mothers
2. becoming mindful of their kindness
3. developing an intention to repay their kindness
4. love
5. compassion
6. the unusual attitude
7. the altruistic intention to become enlightened for the sake of all sentient beings
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