I thought this Journal entry would be the words to songs I wrote ten or so years ago, a cycle written for my singer Louise McConnell shortly before she died. I scored these songs for soprano and baritone voices and piano. Louise never sang them, so I call the cycle "Unsung Songs".
Song I.
The earth
of the woods soft underfoot
laughter coming
through the trees
in the sunlight
here & there, in our eyes,
as we go towards the
tall cliffs
drawn by the music of
the cascading water,
its melodies half hidden
& mingled with the sweet
songs of the birds
the World's harmonies
hung on the falls
in the sun & mist
the water falling falling
so sweetly around us
calling to us,
calling our names.
Song II.
The moon,
cut into the sky,
as though distant Light
streams through
a crescent gap
in the Heavens
surrounded by stars.
And for an instant we
share a single soul
filled with
wonder & Beauty
surrounded by
the bold slash of
brightness above
and myriad stars.
Song III.
The firs bend in the wind
- the first snow has come
bringing a thousand
new faces to the Night
- the path now narrow and dark
narrow and bent,
bent in the wind
as the branches which
flutter and huddle together
as I pass
and I long to again
be sitting by the fire,
in the warmth of our Love.
A Composer's Journal Entry, June 9, 2006
Moderator: figaro