Supernatural Fragrances Return: A Chapter on Mystical Prayer: Meditation Class: A Mystic’s Journal Entry: January 31, 2007
Wednesday, January 31
10 p.m.
Tonight after meditation I asked our new meditator, J, if she were wearing perfume. She said that she was not. M. said: “the fragrances are back”, & I smiled. Yes, and very powerfully. I asked J. if she was aware of them, and she said not at that moment - but she had been aware of a strong, sweet fragrance when she entered the house.
I told her that the supernatural fragrances began when we first read the Desert Fathers in class, a year or so ago. Tonight the scent was of roses. I looked at Our Lady’s statue on the mantle over the fireplace and She was bathed in radiant Light.
I told J. that often when others in class were not aware of the supernatural scents, I would smell perfumes as people entered and left class - as though supernatural beings were escorting my students to and from class.
We then returned to our studies of the fine book The Ways of Mental Prayer (Lehodey; Tan Books and Publishers), this week a chapter entitled: On Mystical Prayer. As often happens, we barely got through a full paragraph tonight because of our detailed examination and discussion on Lehodey’s insightful words.
M read: Happy are those who are understood, tried, encouraged and wisely directed! We agreed that “directed” here meant by a spiritual director, although we are all directed by the people that surround us and the continual events and lessons of life. I then asked about Lehodey’s word: “tried”, and M. said it meant to be tested; we all agreed. Then I asked about the word “happy”: why would someone tried, someone who was suffering be happy? M. answered that someone who was on the spiritual path and in touch with their own soul and with God - would already be fulfilled and happy. I agreed and then said that not all those who suffered were fulfilled or consciously in touch with their own soul or God during those times, for instance during a Dark Night of the soul or spirit. M. answered that perhaps we cannot find fulfillment or happiness during those times, while in the midst of trials - but through suffering we can find the essence of what is important in life. And that if we continue to seek the spiritual during those times, if we continue the search, at some point we will contact the soul and God. I thought those very fine answers. I asked the question again, this question of happiness during times of suffering. The class answered that those advanced on the spiritual path are not attached to their emotions or to events or the outcome of events; they are already resting in the soul and in the Higher. That Oneness with the soul and God is constant and unshakable.
I added that those who have meditated can find that inner place of peace and joy in an instant; the very advanced carry it with them always, no matter what they are giving to or receiving from the world. The very high souls meditate all the time, and it is a matter of focus. Those advanced on the spiritual path put their main focus on the soul and on God, no matter what task they are doing, whether they are sitting or walking, silent or speaking. The new meditation student looked a bit puzzled, and I said that when we meditate, we are setting aside a certain period of time to be with the soul and with God; in meditation practice we are training ourselves to put our entire focus there, to the exclusion of our thoughts and emotions and life events. Eventually this focus remains steady, it is integrated into our normal waking consciousness.
11 p.m.
Diana wrote: the layouts to the new books Realms of Light and Visits with Angels are done and now she will insert the edited text.
Supernatural Fragrances Return: A Chapter on Mystical Prayer
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