Suffering as Opportunity: March 8, 2008

Journal entries about clairvoyance, meditation, spirituality, and mystical experiences

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Suffering as Opportunity: March 8, 2008

Post by figaro »


Saturday, March 8

Had a bad episode two night ago; went into the plant room upstairs and suddenly felt as though I was dying; felt faint, strange, as though I would lose consciousness ...

Called JF and talked for a while - and then sat on my living room couch and began to pray to Our Lady and Her Divine Son.

While sitting there, a thought came into my mind: ‘This is an opportunity’. As I prayed, I felt Our Lord’s Presence - and clairvoyantly saw Him giving me healing. It was a familiar scene. He was taking vials or bottles of some sort off a nearby table and then pouring the contents over me. The scene dissolved, and then He was standing before me; and now I saw a tremendous Light and burning in the spiritual Heart. This went on for about twenty minutes, and the Light in the spiritual Heart became almost burning hot. It was in some ways similar to when Christ placed the small Cathedral of Light in my Heart, many years ago. And at some point during this experience, the thought in my mind completed itself: This is an opportunity to be closer to God. When it was over - I was fully healed. And I decided that I must always look at suffering in this way - that it is a welcome opportunity to be closer to God ...

This was not a new thought, not new at all - but I experienced this connection to the Divine through suffering in a new way, in a more living and complete way ... perhaps in a more conscious way.

We humans need a thousand reminders, and I often wonder why this is so.
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