
Read Poetry and Words to Songs by Laurie Conrad

Moderator: figaro

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Post by figaro »

I wrote this for the Memorial Service of my Godnephew, but then I thought others might want to use it for a Memorial Service, or for comfort. Feel free to use it as you wish and may Angels walk with you Always!


The Mysteries of Life
Are as intricate and
Unknowable as
The deepest sea
Or the furthest star.

Some lives are lived as
A comet speeding
Across the Firmament.

Other saintly lives
Are seemingly insignificant …

Some lives are
Full of suffering
And struggle –
And some lives seem
To end in failure
Or utter disgrace.

But all these lives are
Precious to us,
And we will inescapably
Face a deep loss
For each of them,
As though the world
Has lost a part
Of itself.

When friends,
When those we love,
Leave their Earthly lives
Suddenly, for a
Special and ordained Journey
We all will one day take,
To and fro from
Realm to realm

We mourn our loss,
We mourn those who mourn …

We can become overwhelmed
In the Pain and Fear
Of a separation
Which does not truly exist,
And grieve
That which one day
Will be made clear –

And at that unnamed time
We will be instead
Lost in a Love and Peace
Now ungraspable and
When the Earthly realm
Gives way to the truer
Vision and Experience
of Eternal Life.

We can feel like a Failure
In our human responses,
And in our feeble efforts
To comfort ourselves and others
In whatever fruitless ways
We can as humans

In endless diversions
And floods of silent tears,
Or words, that pour
From us
Inwardly or outwardly,
Like thin lit candles
Streaming into the night

Bringing our feeble messages
Of unnamable grief
To the world,
Seemingly endlessly
And without Hope
Of comfort or release,
These natural human
Responses of shock
And loss that can then
Bring a transparency
Of being, so very pure -
If we allow it.

The Mysteries of Life
Are as intricate and
Unknowable as
The Divine Trinity Itself.

Sorrow ends only
When we look within
To the Flames of Divine Love
In the spiritual Heart,
When we again meet the soul.

Only then can we
Truly put our Trust
In the Wisdom of God
And in the Wisdom of the soul,

And truly Trust the Divine Order
Which forever surrounds
And Guides us.

Eternal Father
Send your Holy Angels
And your saints to Earth
Each day until the end of Time
To guide, protect, heal, comfort
And illumine us.

Eternal Rest grant unto them
O Lord, and let perpetual Light
Shine upon them.

May they rest in Peace
Especially our dear Niel

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